LBL-35001 LED商业街道玉兰景观灯
LED商业街道玉兰景观灯的造型像一朵朵盛开的玉兰花瓣。大气端庄、高洁优雅,深受人们的喜爱,玉兰灯的主光源和花瓣巧妙结合,叶间光色衬托,花色与灯影相交辉映,功能与装饰为一体,在众多的路灯中显得特别亮丽,让人有很美的视觉体验。白天,玉兰灯独特的造型别具一格,让人们尽情观赏。晚上,就像一朵朵尽情绽放的玉兰花,美轮美奂,玉兰灯结合了美观与照明为一体。是美化、亮化、绿化有机结合,光与影、灯与艺术的完美结晶。因而被广泛应用于城市道路,商业街道,别墅小区、旅游景区、广场公园、大学校园等场所。 中山市凯发k8国际照明主营景观灯,道路灯、庭院灯球场灯、高杆灯、草坪灯,壁灯、柱头灯、地埋灯等户外系列照明产品,欢迎来电咨询。
TDecorative landscape lighting products Avant-garde design style such as art or abstract sculpture,or simulation of realistic.such as natural norm.While fine display of moder manufacturing processes,.The main light source and petals of Magnolia lamp are cleverly combined, the light and color between leaves are set off, and the perfect crystallization of light and shadow, Zhongshan lubilang lighting is mainly engaged in landscape lamps, road lamps, courtyard lamps, court lamps, high pole lamps, lawn lamps, wall lamps, column lamps, buried lamps and other outdoor lighting products. Welcome to inquire.